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CAMP 2017
General information
Medical information
Language Placement
Camp rules
Financial info
Camp schedule
Packing list
Camp Pictures

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CAMP 2017


St Nikola  HOTEL, Varna, BULGARIA
     10 - 22 July 2017
PRICE 480 eur 

Registration fee - 100 eur  The rest of the fee is due to be paid upon the student's arrival.

Dear Camper, 

 I am very happy to welcome you to our English Club camp that can change your life!

As soon as you arrive on campus you will join other teenagers and adults to create a living language community. You are an important part of this community: you will bring your skills and interests, your strong desire to improve your language ability, your cultural knowledge, your curiosity, your willingness to have new adventures…and your sense of humor.

The other students whom you will join are extraordinary. Whether coming from Bulgaria or other countries, each of you shares the passion to learn a language and an appreciation for other cultures. And they is also a great fun! Get to know all fellows at the camp and make as many friendships as possible.

 Look through this Handbook carefully. We hope to answer many of your questions here and to give you a glimpse of the two weeks we will spend together this summer.

As usual, we are here to answer your questions. If we can be of help, please contact our office at 00359 899 939294 or by email at office@englishclub.bg

I look forward to meeting you this summer.

Best wishes,

Rosetta Stoicheva

Camp Director and English Club Manager

57, Slivnitsa  blv.; Varna, Bulgaria 
13, Prof.Georgi Pavlov str., Sofia   


 Dear Parent,


Thank you for entrusting your child’s foreign language development to us for two weeks this summer.

We accept your trust with utmost significance. Our mission is simple: to create a vibrant, challenging and fun language learning community in which your child has the opportunity to excel; and to ensure the physical, emotional and academic well-being of your child.

To help achieve our mission, the Parent/Camper handbook provides you with a program overview,

guidelines, and contact information for our main office in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Please contact our office at any time.

We will provide you with updated contact information for anything to the opening of camp.

 On July 10 , we ask students to arrive between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for a warm welcome  and reception. Parents and guardians are cordially invited to participate in the reception, help children move into dormitories, and meet the camp staff and the Director. Soon after settling in, your children will participate in placement interviews and opening activities. The first meal served is dinner in the evening.

You can enroll in our camp website http://mezhdunaroden-lager.dir.bg

We look forward to meeting you in July, and to hearing from you before if you have comments or questions.

 Best wishes, Rosetta Stoicheva

Camp Director and English Club Manager

 Goals and Objectives of the English Club Foundation 
The English Club Foundation provides a rich academic and residential environment where students who love languages and other cultures absorb their target language during every waking hour of every day of the week.


The program combines a full-immersion experience with an array of events, trips, and activities which set the cultural context for the language of study. 

With a curriculum designed by English Club especially for middle and high school students, participants will gain skills in all five language areas – speaking, writing, reading, listening, and cultural understanding.


 In sum, English Club balances rigorous, focused, project-based language,learning with engaging, interesting, and fun activities, guided by knowledgeable,skilled teachers.




The programme has been designed to develop the curiosity and improve command of English as well as the need to gain further knowledge in different walks of life. The English Club team strongly believe that learning languages is the best way to discover new worlds.

Ancient civilization.
2. Astronomy and Physics – CERN, modern theories, observation with a telescope, String theory – the workshops are organised and given by the Astronomical observatory „Nicolaus Copernicus“ Varna,

3. Technology – latest gadgets.

4. Modern architecture.

5. Business English – How to run a company /For younger students – Modern school/

 6. Funny games during  the morning and afternoon activities focusing on  extra lexis, sports, Multimedia implementation, PP presentations, leadership games.   

7. Evening activities  - Romeo and Juliet , Make-up contest, Crazy Fashion Show, National evenings, Miss/Mr Camp, etc.

The activities are carried out  in the open at the camp, on the beach or in special places indoors. The students are grouped in teams according to the entrance level of English. Each team has  a team leader /teacher/. The teams are competing and scoring during the camp. The competition is per groups and individual.

At the end of the camp the students and the teachers get certificates for participation.

The Participation fee is 480 euro.  The price includes  tutoring, accommodation, food, extra activities, certificates..

The teachers are teachers of languages. The have significant international camp experience.
